Prishtinë, 21 dhjetor 2019: Ensuring peace in the world is one of the permanent objectives of all human civilizations. It is obligation, not only a moral, but firstly civilization of the generations, responsibility that each era imposes. Generations of the early XXI century, called, century of a new hope of humanity have huge responsibility, because all together, as a civilization of new globalizations are trying to build a new world, a peace that guarantees our common present and the future. As never before, those who are called to build a new peace, a world without violence, without wars, a world where the common ideal among all would be peace and social-economic prosperity, falls the burden for call to bring our strengths together in our journey towards common freedom and democracy, equal for all. This burden and challenge of history, which determines the new era in which we do not live, nor the academic brains can be excluded.
To fight for universal rights, freedom, for a world where there will be no more colonies, ruler and ruled, as well as for national freedom, for liberation and for state building, at the same time means that, as peoples, nations to contribute to the peace and security in the world, including regions and states we come from. Based on this new political philosophy, at the level of understanding of the world peace, the people of Kosova won its freedom without encroaching the freedom of any people in the region, so, nor the freedom of Serbian people and, as the International Court of Justice witnessed, in accordance with the international law standards, legally and in compliance with all UN documents, also in accordance with Resolution 1244 created an independent state, the Republic of Kosova. The Democratic state of Kosova, as the other countries is setting an example in building and strengthening peace and stability in the region.

I would not detach any part of the Kosova’s history and its difficult paths towards liberation, freedom and the creation of the Kosova state, as the Serbian’s state propaganda aided and strongly inspired by the yesterdays and today’s Serbian academics if they had not continued rushed into speculative propaganda against the freedom of the Kosova’s people, our right as a nation to decide for our future. Serbian state political propaganda, in cooperation with the academics and religious, inspired by the false myth of Serbia, they are continuing to speculate for Kosova under the pretext that in question is the breakaway of the part of its territory.
However, Kosova, its territory, which at the time of the Ottoman Empire was vilayet with the self administration rights, at any phase of history was not part of Serbian state territory, not even in medieval times when the Serbian state was founded with the base in Raska , Krusevac and Smederevë, not even at the time of the Berlin Congress, when Serbia came up with the gained independence. Kosova, during the Balkan Wars, the 1912 / 1913 was occupied from Serbia by force, on 1918 was annexed as colony in royal Yugoslavia, then again was annexed by Serbia in 1945 and de facto, in 1989, after the countermand of autonomy was reoccupied by the Republic of Serbia. In the summer of 1999 by the liberation war aided by NATO, Kosova was liberated from the occupation.
The state of Kosova, which for many issues is conscience of the European democracy, today is establishing welfare of its citizens strengthens the peace, creating stability in the region and is opening a bright future for all its citizens regardless of ethnicity, religion or ideology. The people of Kosova, its leadership, all citizens with all their capabilities, supported also by the international factors are becoming part of the project, the companion for European path where dominates peace, security, cooperation, not conflict and without a hatred. Therefore, an independent Kosova, despite objections that are coming to us from the neighboring state Serbia, bravely continues to build European identity, the Western, being, even us as a European citizens, voice of the new perspective of the united Europe. Kosovo, as written in the Declaration of the Kosova’s Independence, approved by the delegates of the Kosovo’s Assembly on February 17, 2008, “[…] committed for peace and stability in our region of Southeastern Europe “! On the oath of representatives of the Kosovar people are building the foundations of the present and future of the European’s Kosova state and emerging commitments, responsibilities to contribute to peace and security in the region
Keywords: Kosova, state, independence, security, peace,
Constitution of the Republic of Kosova, (2008) , Kosova Assembly, Prishtinë. Declaration of Kosova’s Independence, (2010), Kosova Assembly, Prishtinë.. Decleration of the International Court of Justice, (2010), “Koha Ditore”, Prishtinë. Malcolm, Noel, (1998 ), Kosovo, A short history, “Macmilan”, London. Krasniqi, Jakup ( 2010), Independence as compromise , “ Buzuku”, Prishtinë. Krasniqi, Jakup, ( 2010), Kosova in a context of history ( 2010), “Buzuku”, Prishtinë. Zogaj, Agim, ( 2010 ), Cold Peace , “Rozafa”, Prishtinë
Agim ZOGAJ / PHD * Department of the Political Sciences / University of Prishtina

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Prishtinë, 23 shkurt 2019: Ensuring peace in the world is one of the permanent objectives of whole human civilizations. It is not only a moral obligation, but firstly among civilizing of the generations, responsibility that each era imposes. Generations of the early XXI century, so called, century of a new hope of humanity it has a huge responsibility, because all together, as a civilization of new globalizations we are trying to build a new world, a peace that guarantees our common present and the future. As never before, those who are called to build a new peace, a world without violence, without wars, a world where the common ideal among all it would be peace and social-economic prosperity, falls the burden to bring our strength together in our path towards common freedom and democracy, equal for the all. By this burden and challenge of history, determined by the new era in which we are living, even the academic brains can not be excluded.
To strive for universal rights, for freedom, for a world where there will be no more colonies, ruler and ruled, also for the national freedom, for liberation and state building, simultaneously means, as peoples and as a nations contributing to the peace and security in the world, including regions and states we come from. Among this new political philosophy, at the understanding level of the world peace, people of Kosovo won its freedom without encroaching the freedom of any other people in the region, so neither the freedom of Serbian people and, as the International Court of Justice concluded, in accordance with the international law standards, legally and in compliance with all UN documents as well as in accordance with Resolution 1244 established an independent state, the Republic of Kosovo. The Democratic state of Kosovo, as the other countries is setting an example in building and strengthening peace and stability in the region.

I wouldn’t disunite any part of the Kosovo’s history on its difficult paths towards liberation, freedom and creation of the Kosovo state, as the Serbia’s state propaganda aided and strongly inspired by the yesterdays and today’s Serbian academics would not have continued sallied into a speculative propaganda against the freedom of the Kosovo’s people, our right as a nation to decide for our future. The Serbian state political propaganda, in cooperation with the academics and religious, inspired by the false myth of Serbia, they are continuing to speculate for Kosovo with the pretext that in question is a breakaway of the part of its territory. However, Kosovo, its territory at the time of the Ottoman Empire was vilayet with the self administration rights, at any phase of history was not part of Serbian state territory, not even in medieval times when the Serbian state was founded with the base in Raska, Krusevac and Smederevë, nor at the time of the Berlin’s Congress, when Serbia came up with the gained independence. During the Balkan Wars 1912 / 1913, Kosovo was occupied from Serbia by force, in 1918 was annexed as colony in royal Yugoslavia, and then again was annexed by Serbia in 1945 and de facto, in 1989, after the suppression of the autonomy; Kosovo was reoccupied by the Republic of Serbia. In a summer of 1999, by the liberation war and also aided by NATO Kosovo was liberated from the occupation.
Since the deployment of KFOR and UNMIK in Kosovo, then in 1999, self-governing institutions of Kosovo were committed to their obligations in order to set Kosovo as an example for the peace and security in an always troubled region, the Western Balkan. The period of time from 1999 to the day of Kosovo’s declaration of independence by Kosovo on February 17, 2008, was the period when the Kosovo’s institutions, the country’s citizens regardless of ethnicity and along with international forces made a great progress in creation, strengthening a sustainable peace in Kosovo. Such a positive developments, as it was proved later affected in creation of the conditions in terms of the political circumstances to declare Kosovo’s independence, declaration declared in accordance and full agreement with the international factor, primarily with structures of UNMIK, KFOR, NATO and generally Western -European diplomacy. It was the unanimous opinion, not only Kosovo’s people and its institutions, but also the international factor that the time to declare Kosovo’s Independence had come. Not only the representatives of the Kosovo’s institutions and the people of Kosovo, but also the international community were convinced that the establishment of the state of Kosovo will be a powerful foundation stone for strengthening the regional security and stability. As the declaration of independence was realized on the basis of a new World Standards, liberation of the colonies by the occupiers and there was no violation of the international law, and with the legitimate act of the Kosovo’s independence was not infringing the integrity and sovereignty of Serbia, as today’s leader of Serbia are continuing to claim.
Advisory opinion of International Court of Justice, announced on July 22, 2010 in Hague on the legality of Kosovo’s declaration of independence paved the way to new state of Kosovo, to expect new recognitions and make decisive steps towards membership in the UN. Realistically, the state of Kosovo after the decision of the International Court of Justice gain full international legitimacy, because the higher instances of the international law such as ICJ, has proven that, with the act of establishing the state of Kosovo / Republic of Kosovo /there was no violation of any international standard. International Court of Justice, in one of the paragraphs of its final advisory opinion on Kosovo’s declaration of independence clearly stated that: “For the reasons already given, the Court considers that general international law contains no applicable prohibition of declarations of independence. Court concludes that the Declaration of independence did not violate general international law”. (1) In the first closing paragraphs in reference to the legality of the declaration of Independence, the International Court of Justice finds that, neither Resolution 1244 did not prohibit the declaration of independence: “The Court accordingly finds that Security Council resolution 1244 did not bar the authors of the declaration of 17 February (A.Z-2008) from issuing a declaration of independence. Hence, the declaration of independence did not violate Security Council resolution 1244. (2)
Determining of the obligations for the Kosovo state to be in a function of peace, security and strengthening the stability in the region, clearly derives from the basic constitutional legal documents on which were laid the foundations of the Republic of Kosovo.
Second paragraph of the opening speech of the President of the Kosovo Assembly, Dr. Jakup Krasniqi in an extraordinary session of the Assembly on February 17, 2008, said “it is significant while it determines” that ” Real peace and freedom may exist only between equals”. Independent Kosovo will be the homeland of all, equal and happy citizens, being built on the foundations of the best values of its tradition and according to the principles of modern democracy. (3) In fact, according to the head of the solemn session of the Kosovo’s Assembly, solemn commitment for Kosovo, as a democratic state, therefore, homeland of all citizens regardless of ethnicity, religion, ideology, race, “[…], it is a contract with citizens and partnership with the international community, is vital commitment for the promises of most advanced fundamental human values of today’s society. (4)
While, in the Declaration of Independence, adopted at the session of the Kosovo’s Assembly on February 17, 2008, after being mentioned that the declaration of independence reflects the will of the people and it is fully in a compliance with the recommendations of the Special Envoy of the United Nations Martti Ahtisaari and his comprehensive proposal for the final settlement of the Kosovo’s Status distinguished that: “[…] we will protect and promote rights for all communities in Kosovo and create necessary conditions for their effective participation in the political and decision-making processes. (5) Furthermore, in the Declaration of Independence text, upon highlighting the commitment to respect the principles of the UN Charter, the Helsinki Final Ac, etc concludes that “Kosovo is committed to peace and stability in the Eastern Europe … We will work to contribute to a reconciliation that would allow southeast Europe to move beyond the conflicts of the past and forge new links of regional cooperation. (6) Further, the declaration, expressly and specifically states that the state of Kosovo, its citizens are willing and are determined to establish good neighborly relations with the state of Serbia “[…] to contribute to the friendly relations and cooperation with the Republic of Serbia, while promoting reconciliation among our people. ” (7) Particular area where it proves that the state of Kosovo is in full function of preserving and strengthening peace and security in the region, is clear definition of the constitution of the rights of minority communities. In this aspect, not only in terms of legislation, but even security, ensuring the implementation of public policy, the Republic of Kosovo is an example for the region and beyond. In Chapter III of the Constitution of Kosovo, on the Rights of Communities and their members section 3 of Article 58 specifies: The Republic of Kosovo shall promote a spirit of tolerance, dialogue and support reconciliation among communities and respect the standards set forth in the Council of Europe Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities and the European Charter for Regional Languages or minority. (8)
On this constitutional definition, Kosovo institutions, always under article 60 of the Constitution of the Republic of Kosovo have established, the Consultative Council for Communities, which operates under the authority of the President of the Republic of Kosovo in which all communities are represented?
The ideal of the Architects of United of Europe was based on the philosophy of peace, equality and equal future, hopeful for all citizens of the new Europe. Today’s generations of New Europe, are before the call of liberty era, democracy, globalizations era of global dimensions.
Today, as never before, a united Europe needs perspective, which increases the peoples’ welfare, creates peace, stability, sustainable security, brighter future for comprehensive integration.
Kosovo, as one of the states, the most challenging regions of South Eastern Europe is ready and willing that on the foundations of the United Europe project, to be companions of moving along with the European nations. We are ready and prepared to build new bridges of regional cooperation, without national prejudice, racial, religious, political, and ideological. Therefore, as the paragraphs taken from the Constitution of the Republic of Kosovo certifies that we are determined to ensure European peace and prosperity for all citizens of the country, particularly to ensure full respect for institutional civil rights of minorities. We as the Albanian majority,”. We are conscious that peace, freedom and the European future of Kosovo is common, one and same for all, while freedom, equality, civil rights can not be divided by ethnic, religious or ideological background “. (9)
The state of Kosovo, which for many issues is conscience of the European democracy, today is establishing welfare of its citizens, strengthens the peace, creating stability in the region and is opening a bright future for all its citizens regardless of their ethnicity, religion or ideology. The people of Kosovo, its leadership, all citizens with all their capabilities, supported also by the international factors are becoming part of the project, companion for European path where dominates peace, security, cooperation, without conflict and hate. Therefore, an independent Kosovo, despite objections that are coming to us from the neighboring state of Serbia, than Kosovo bravely continues to build European identity, western, even us being as a European citizens, voice of the new perspective of the united Europe. Kosovo, as written in the Declaration of the Kosovo’s Independence approved by the delegates of the Kosovo’s Assembly on February 17, 2008, “[…] committed for peace and stability in our Southeastern Europe region “! (10) On the oath of the Kosovo’s people representatives is built the foundations of the present and future of the European’s Kosovo state and emerging commitments, responsibilities to contribute to peace and security in the region.
Agim ZOGAJ / PHD *
Department of the Political Sciences / University of Prishtina
( )

1. Declaration of the International Court of Justice, “info press, 23 of July 2010, Prishtinë, p 11-12
2. Ibid, P 11-12
3. 17 of February, Day of Independence, ( documents) “Kosovo Assembly, Prishtinë 2010, p.17
4. Ibid, p 18
5. Declaration of the Kosovo’s Independence ( documents), Kosovo Assembly , Prishtinë , 2008, p 43
6. Ibid, p. 43
7. Ibid, p.44
8. Constitution of the Republic of Kosovo( Documents), “Kosovo Assembly”, Prishtinë, 2008, p.18
9. Agim Zogaj, Cold Peace,” Rozafa”, 2010, p.400.
10. Decleration of the Kosovo Independence ( documents), “ Kosovo Assembly”, Prishtinë, 2010, p.46


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