Romë, 18. 03. 2016ë: – “Albanian Letters: Nationalism, Independence and the Albanian League”, me autor Arthur Evans, pëgatitur për botim nga Bejtullah Destani. Libri do të ketë mbi 350 faqe dhe përmban, artikuj të panjohur për publikun e gjerë, mbi Lidhjen Shqiptare të Prizrenit nga 1878-1881, artikuj këta të shkruar nga Arthur Evans, arkielog dhe gazetar i mirënjohur anglez. Libri do të botohet në anglisht, në Londër, nga shtëpia botuese e njohur I. B. Tauris në bashkëpunim me The Centre for Albanian Studies. Libri do të botohet “hardback”, pra me kopertinë të trashë dhe me cilësi të lartë. Tirazhi do të jetë 1000 kopje. Do të ishte një shërbesë e madhe për historinë tonë, kur ky libër, bëhet i mundur të dalë në dritë e të jetë në duart e lexuesve të huaj dhe atyre shqiptarë.
Më poshtë lexoni një përmbledhje të shkurtër të përshkrimit të librit, në anglisht.

– Arkeologu Arthur Evans –

Title: “Albanian Letters: Nationalism, Independence and the Albanian League”,
Author – Sir Arthur Evans
Edited by B. Destani
About the Author

Sir Arthur Evans 1851-1941
Sir Arthur Evans was born in 1851 and educated at Harrow School, Brasenose College, Oxford and the University of Gottingen. From 1884-1908 he was Curator of Ashmolean Museum at Oxford.
General Information
More than 350 pages, plus photographs
General readership: people interested in Sir Arthur Evan’s writing, those interested in journalism, in European history in general and in Albanian studies and history in particular.
Unique Approaches
Never published before
While he reported for The Manchester Guardian and wrote scholarly articles about Illyria, With Albanian League brings together some of his writing that focuses on Albania and its people. Rather than presenting a straightforward historical narrative, the selections made from his writings focus on the role of Albanian nationalism and struggle for protecting their territory.
This is a different approach to culture and history, from the traditional one of politics and policy shapers, and gives insights into the emergence of an awareness of nationality, out of a complex web of geographical, tribal, cultural and religious trends and beliefs. It depicts the process of this shaping, from population migrations and cultural traditions, to powerful external influences, such as the Ottoman Empire.
Synopsis of “Albanian Letters: Nationalism, Independence and the Albanian League”,
The North Albanians and Treaty of San Stefano
Scutari and Upper Albania
The Rights of a Small Nation
The Council of Prizrend and Skipetaria one Indivisible
The Declaration of Albanian Independence
The Cession of Dulcigno
The City of the League
The Porte and the Albanian Question
The Albanian League and the Cession of Dulcigno
Duclcigno and the Albanian crisis
The Albanian League
With Albanian Leaguers
Montenegro and Albania
Troubles in Montenegro and Albania
The Montenegrin Conquests in Albania
Albania and Montenegro
The Albanian Question
The Albanian Leagues and Turkish Government
The Albanian National Movement
The Secretary of the Mirdite (catholic) Prince on North Albanian Prospects
The Albanian revolt against Sultan
Meddle and Muddle in Albania
The Albanian Ultimatum
Me nderime – Bejtullah Destani.

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